About Us

We are your friendly companions on your mental health journey.

We are a group of like-minded mental health professionals, based out of Mumbai. The reason for the existence of our group and this portal is simple and straight forward. We aim to get – Mental Health Goals – within the reach of the wider population of Mumbai, India and various global locations in our network. Awareness about mental health has not only become an increasing felt-need but a high priority goal in our modern lives. It is evident to all of us that investing in our mental health helps us lead more productive, satisfied and wholesome lives. Though the importance of mental health has become evident to many of us, the tools and resources for the same are not always readily available. Especially, it is difficult to find mental health solutions customized to our individual needs.

We strive hard to simplify high-end mental health research ideas into easy-to-understand and user-friendly concepts. Concepts, that you can use in your fast-paced and busy lives – to enhance your daily level of satisfaction, achievement, and happiness. We understand the importance of your unique needs and invest time & energy to analyze your specific circumstance, individual and family needs.

A patient-centric approach is central to our work philosophy at ‘the Mumbai Psychiatrist’ team.

What is the real value of Mental Health Science?

We believe that the real value of all high-end psychological research and mental health sciences lies in the impact it can have on the quality of your daily lives. Cutting-edge advancements in Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Clinical Psychology and Applied Sciences have increased our understanding of the brain, the mind, and its various dimensions. Our mental health affects and to a great extent is responsible for daily functioning in our work and relationship spheres. Our mental health is also intricately interdependent on our physical, emotional, social and spiritual health. So it follows that a wholesome and balanced approach of all the dimensions of mental health is the key to the successful implementation of modern-day mental health tools.

Scientific methodology and mental health concepts can have a deep impact on changing our daily lives. But, we as mental health professionals have the responsibility of acting as conduits for the transfer of this high-end knowledge, into simple & relevant resources that you can use in your daily work, family life and relationships.

‘The Mumbai Psychiatrist’ team appreciates and values the significance of our unique role in the social fabric around us. Our teamwork and collective efforts are geared towards a collaborative approach to transfer our mental health expertise to our patient groups. We connect with diverse patient groups, as a part of the wide population that we serve. So it follows that empathy across a wide range of patient populations is vital for the efficient and meaningful functioning of our team.

Empathy for each and every patient’s unique situation is a core work philosophy in our team.

Access to High-end Mental Health Science

Our team of experts is experienced and trained from various top global centers executing cutting-edge mental health programs. As a consequence, we have access to the latest and cutting-edge skills and resources in the field of mental health today. We have the expertise and understanding to analyze these resources and make them available to a wider population through our ‘the Mumbai Psychiatrist’ team.

‘The Mumbai Psychiatrist’ team strives hard to create an optimal combination of the latest scientific research + mental health know-how + psychiatric expertise + modern technology – to produce user-friendly and customized solutions for each and every individual patient needs. This is a challenge given the diverse psychiatric conditions we cater to, as well as the wide spectrum of counseling and treatment options we offer. We believe our collective mental health goals require a long-term vision, that includes a deeper awareness of social change.

Our experts have trained and worked in world-class centers including those in the US, the UK, and India. It is our unique privilege and honor that we can bring this global experience and translate it into the service of the diverse neighborhoods and patient populations we serve.

We understand the needs of the local population in Mumbai and India. At the same time, we are networked with mental health experts from various global locations. We pride ourselves in accessing and transferring mental health tools for the best advantage of our wide patient base.

Your Mental Health is our primary concern

All the efforts of ‘the Mumbai Psychiatrist’ team are directed towards empathizing with your specific needs and towards enhancing your mental health. ‘The Mumbai Psychiatrist’ team, will first understand the detailed history of your particular mental health condition. This can include your individual needs as a woman, as a mother and the collective needs of your children or family members. We have developed in-house solutions based on core scientific methodology to narrow down and focus on your exact challenging condition. Our experts collaborate with each other regularly to discuss your specific case, so that the solutions that are arrived upon are balanced, multi-dimensional and specific to your unique needs.

We offer a wide range of mental health services including but not restricted to:

  • General Psychiatric Management
  • Women’s Mental Health Services
  • Family Therapy
  • Parental Counselling
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
  • Online Counselling & Consulting
  • General Mental Health Management

We pride ourselves in using our high-end training and expertise to serve the various mental health needs of our patients.


Reach out to us for more information relevant to your specific case

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The Mumbai Psychiatrist Team

Dr. Jalpa Bhuta
View Profile
Priyanka Verma
View Profile