‘Can’t get myself to take care of my new-born’

This is a case of a newly delivered mother, who started developing severe psychological and emotional problems.
These problems were not present in the mother, before the child-birth.
The mother found herself at a complete loss.
On the one hand, she had an added responsibility for handling the newborn. And on the other hand, she was unable to cope up with the psychological and emotional stressors.
The mother used to experience a sad mood and crying spells throughout the day.
She gradually started developing feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
As a result, she was unable to take care of the newborn baby.
Engagement Process
When the mother was brought for consultation, the primary engagement process chosen was a customized plan with Medications + Counselling.
Through an initial consultation session, it was identified that the mother was likely facing a form of depression, which is faced by some newly delivered mothers. It is called post-partum depression.
This diagnosis was confirmed over subsequent sessions and a ‘customized Treatment Plan’ was designed.
Given that she was a newly delivered mother, the treatment plan was designed so as to aid in the mother’s schedule for child care for her newborn baby.

Through the ‘specially designed Counseling sessions’ it was first explained to the mother that it was not her fault that she was unable to cope up with the child care needs of the baby.
The reassurance process of the mother was key to the entire situation. The mother was explained about the disease processes involved in post-partum depression. And the consequences on the mother’s personality and behavior.
This was followed up with the introduction of the mother to the treatment options:
- Medications
- Counseling
- Temporary assistance with child-care
The mother experienced a steady recovery process, under the expert guidance of the mental health team.
When a newly delivered mother experiences severe psychological or emotional disturbances, that interfere with the child care of the mother – this can mean post-partum depression or other post-partum conditions.
These are warning signs for seeking expert guidance from mental health professionals. There are specific tests and assessments that can help diagnose and evaluate the severity of such conditions.
The inability to deal with such conditions can adversely affect the health of the mother and the child.
Mental health professionals have the necessary training and tools to develop solutions for both the mother and the child.